Comments on Questions Received This Week

This past week I have had topic discussion with individuals that I thought would benefit readers of the Pest & Crop Newsletter.


Tulips survived the snow, and cool-season forages likely did, too

Tulips survived the snow, and cool-season forages likely did, too.
Photo contributed by Keith Johnson, Purdue Extension Forage Specialist

Cold Temperature

Cold temperature and snow on Tuesday and Wednesday were causes of concern for forage producers. Where snow fell, it likely helped reduce forage seedling death and tiller damage on established forages. Snow is an insulating blanket when it is received. If it had been a clear, crisp night with heavy frost, concern would have been greater. Do be on the lookout next week for emerging white-beige leaf tissue. If seen, this tissue did get damaged by the cold weather.


Developing buttercup blossoms

Developing buttercup blossoms.
Photo contributed by Purdue University Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center


An emerging weed problem in pastures is buttercup. Buttercup does have poisonous properties when grazed, but not as hay. My colleagues in weed science prepared a detailed article for the newsletter last year on buttercup. It can be reviewed at Control Of Buttercups In Indiana fields | Purdue University Pest&Crop newsletter.


Creeping foxtail or meadow foxtail is being found in pastures

Creeping foxtail or meadow foxtail is being found in pastures.
Photo contributed by Jason Tower, Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center Superintendent

Creeping foxtail or Meadow Foxtail

To the casual observer, one may think a very early timothy ecotype is heading, but that is not the case. Meadow foxtail and creeping foxtail look very similar and one or both have been observed in pastures in southern Indiana. I have creeping foxtail established at a couple of locations. The purpose is to see if it can be a potential replacement for reed canarygrass as reed canarygrass seed purchase is now not allowed in Indiana. Details about the grass can be read at CREEPING FOXTAIL (

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