An Opportunity to Learn More About Forages

Want to learn more about forage production and utilization? Consider attending “Forage Management Day” that will be held at the Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center.

A news release regarding the “Forage Management Day” to be held on September 17 was prepared by Ashvini Malshe with Purdue Agricultural Communications follows. Please consider attending the educational event and share the information with others about the opportunity to enhance forage production and utilization skills.

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Producers are invited to Forage Management Day where they can learn more about forage testing and results interpretation, and pasture evaluation. The event is hosted by Purdue University Extension and the Indiana Forage Council and will take place on September 17 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center.

Participants will also receive an update on small ruminants and attend presentations covering fencing, water and other related topics, as well as a tour of the toxic plant exhibit. Other event highlights include hay and pasture evaluation and education on the function of the animal disease diagnostic lab.

Interactive learning will occur at the “Forage Management Day”.

Interactive learning will occur at the “Forage Management Day”.

Keith Johnson, professor of agronomy and Extension forage specialist, says, “In addition to producers, this event is an opportunity for forage input providers and education/technical service personnel to gain information about forage management principles that can be used on the farm and shared with clientele.”

The deadline to register is September 12. The cost to attend is $40 per person.

forage management flyerDownload Forage Management Day 2024 flyer

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