In a month, some livestock producers will be chopping whole-plant corn that will be placed in an anaerobic environment so fermentation can occur. The fermented corn is called silage. During the ensiling process, toxic gasses of nitrogen dioxide (N02) and nitrogen tetroxide (N204) are produced when nitric oxide comes in contact with oxygen. Nitrates that have not been converted to true protein are the source of nitrogen oxides. Nitrates accumulate in plants when drought and/or when excess nitrogen is present in the soil.
Nitric oxide is colorless and nitrogen dioxide is reddish brown. These gases have caused permanent lung damage in people; and have killed both livestock and humans. Greatest concern is the first few days after putting the chopped forage in the silo structure or bag. However, care should be taken for ten days after packing occurs. These silo gases float down a tower silo chute and into a barn or confined area. Whenever toxic gases are a possibility, care must be taken to protect both humans and animals. Make sure that enclosed areas around the feed storage area (feed rooms, silos, and animal pens) are well ventilated and safe before entry. Doors and windows to enclosed areas should be opened, and silo blowers should run before any attempt is made to enter a tower silo. If there is any doubt about toxic gases being present, a properly fitted oxygen mask should be used in and around the feed storage area.
After fermentation is complete after four weeks, it would be advised to request a nitrate test from a certified laboratory (, especially if the corn was growing in a droughty environment or where excess nitrogen was applied. Nutrition analyses used to balance rations should also be requested. Fermentation does reduce the initial nitrate concentration at harvest. If nitrate concentration is a concern as noted by test results, seek the advice of a trained nutritionist to utilize other feedstuffs to blend with the silage to meet livestock performance goals and that will make the ration safe to feed.
The concern of toxic gasses emphasizes the importance of being safe and healthy with all farming tasks.
Much of the text is from Purdue Extension publication ID-528-W, “Beef Management Practices When Forages are in Short Supply Because of Drought”.