2018 Popcorn Agri-Chemical Handbook

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The 2018 Popcorn Agri-Chemical Handbook is available to ensure everyone in the popcorn industry is informed about products registered for use on popcorn or in popcorn storage facilities. The handbook lists agri-chemicals registered and regulatory status or special use restrictions.

The handbook provides appendix information on residue tolerances as found in the Global MRL Database, which includes popcorn (corn, pop) and denotes established levels by the U.S., Codex and 127 markets.

The handbook notes the Mode or Mechanism of Action (MOA) numerical classification of each listed chemical when used on a product label. The classification schemes are published by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee, the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee and the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee.  The handbook also highlights the Signal Word “Danger” when used on a product label as required by the EPA’s Label Review Manual.

The Popcorn Board urges you to provide the above links or print and distribute the updated version of this critical information to growers. Contact Genny Bertalmio, +1.312.821.0217 or gbertalmio@smithbucklin.com, for further information.

The Popcorn Board accepts voluntary contributions to ensure continued funding of its efforts to provide this important information to the popcorn industry.  Checks should be mailed to The Popcorn Board, 8333 Solutions Center, Chicago, IL 60677-8003.


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