Every spring we receive several calls and e-mails about a certain 3-foot tall weed with yellow flowers (Figure 1). The most common yellow-flowered weeds we have in Indiana are cressleaf groundsel, the buttercup species, and dandelion. Occasionally, we have some fields of canola or rapeseed in the state. But, by far the most prevalent specie we see in no-till corn and soybean fields, and occasionally pastures, is cressleaf groundsel. I have only rarely observed wild mustard in Indiana. Wild mustard is more common in the northern tier of states near the Canadian border. This year, field activities were delayed due to cool temperatures and frequent precipitation. These weather conditions also allowed cressleaf groundsel to reach the reproductive stage, and it is currently flowering in many Indiana fields that haven’t been worked yet. This article is intended to provide information on the biology and life cycle of cressleaf groundsel, as well[Read More…]