As September begins, we officially welcome meteorological fall. While the autumnal equinox isn’t until September 22, the past few mornings have already brought a crisp, fall-like feel to the air.
As September begins, we officially welcome meteorological fall. While the autumnal equinox isn’t until September 22, the past few mornings have already brought a crisp, fall-like feel to the air.
Along the way it was easy to see the beige-bronze warm-season perennial bunchgrass broomsedge bluestem (Andropogan virginicus) in many grass-dominant pastures and hayfields.
Indiana growers have shown increased interest in utilizing cover crops in our corn and soybean production systems over the last decade. Concurrently, there has also been increased utilization of soil residual herbicides to help manage herbicide-resistant weeds such as marestail (horseweed), waterhemp, and giant ragweed in our corn and soybean production systems. Soil residual herbicides can remain active in the soil for a period of weeks to months after application. The length of time a residual herbicide remains biologically active in the soil is influenced by soil texture, soil pH, organic matter, rainfall, and temperature. Since these factors will vary from field to field, definitive time intervals of residual herbicide activity can be difficult to predict. The use of residual herbicides in our corn and soybean production systems may interfere with establishment of fall seeded cover crops under certain conditions. Unfortunately, many of the species being used for cover crops[Read More…]
There has been increasingly growing interest in utilizing cover crops in our corn and soybean production systems over the last several years.
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