
Research and Extension efforts in the Long Lab are focused on applying knowledge of insect ecology towards real-world insect challenges faced by specialty crop producers in the north central region. We aim to incorporate stakeholder questions and needs into lab projects and have carried out successful on-farm research with collaborating farmers. Current efforts in the lab are focused on informing insect management in mint, celery, parsley, and small fruit production systems.

Meet the Lab

Cristian Cabrera, M.S. Student

My name is Cristian Cabrera, and I’m originally from Colombia. My research in the Long Lab at Purdue is focused on evaluating the efficacy and longevity of entomopathogenic nematodes and their infectivity against Asiatic garden beetle larvae. We hope to improve management of this pest in mint, while also reducing dependence on chemical control.

My professional interest is focused on IPM, especially biological control approaches. I love being in nature, visiting new places, and traveling with friends.

Lab Alumni

  • Connor Sturr, M.S. 2023.
  • Emily Justus, Ph.D. 2023.
  • Zihan (Lilac) Hong, M.S. 2022.
  • Zach Serber, M.S. 2022.

If you are interested in joining the Long Lab, please send an email with (1) a brief description of your research interests and experiences, and (2) a copy of your CV or resume to eylong@purdue.edu. In the meantime, be sure to check out the Purdue Entomology Graduate Program website for more information!