About the Student Paper Competition
The Annual Forum is open to any undergraduate or graduate student who has an interest in entomology. To date, participants have come from colleges in the tri-state area of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio; however, students from other states are encouraged to enter the competition. Students who are enrolled in biology courses, or are majoring in biology or entomology departments at the undergraduate level are particularly urged to enter the contest.
Helpful Links
Click here for the Score Sheet
2019 Schedule of Events - More news to come at a later date!
How to Submit
The Ohio Valley Entomological Association (OVEA) 2019 Annual Forum and Student Paper Competition will be held Friday, October 18, 2019 at the Gatton Student Center on the University of Kentucky campus. This meeting provides an excellent opportunity for undergraduates and graduates to practice presentations that will later be given at ESA and to gain invaluable experience sharing their research.
Lodging will potentially be provided for out of town students in visiting scholar housing at a cost of $41.00 per night depending on availability. If you intend on staying in Lexington please contact me (Beth Kyre at bky223@uky.edu) as soon as possible with the number of students needing accommodations so I can initiate reservations.
Abstracts should be 300 words or less. Please include OVEA ABSTRACT" and your last name in the title of your email! The available computer set-up for the meeting will have Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007 Software. Please make sure your presentations are compatible. POWERPOINT presentations for this year's OVEA meeting should be 8 minutes + 2 minutes for questions! It is helpful if you will mention the category in which you will compete - Undergraduate, MS, or PHD. If you have questions please contact Beth Kyre bky223@uky.edu, http://extension.entm.purdue.edu/OVEA. Please see the "Helpful links" above for sample abstracts and other useful information below for details regarding abstract preparation, eligibility, and tips for giving a successful presentation.
Specific Requirements
- Eligibility is based on enrollment for, or recent completion of a degree. A student who has graduated is still eligible if enrolled within the past 12 months. Likewise, a student who recently received a Master of Science degree and is newly enrolled for a doctorate may enter the competition at the Master of Science level.
- Papers presented may pertain to any area of entomological science.
- Separate competition is conducted in each of three categories: Undergraduate, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy.
- The paper may present a special problem, M.S. thesis, Ph.D. dissertation or be on a topic to popularize entomology.
- A classic abstract is required (statement of problem, objectives, methods, results and conclusions) for research presentations. The abstract for popular science presentation should include: an introductory statement, brief discussion of content, and conclusions. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.
- 8 minutes are allotted for the presentation followed by 2 minutes for questions. Each presentation is timed. Please NOTE that these guidelines are different than competitions for previous years. We have modified the presentation times to match the ESA student competition guidelines.
- Presentations are scored by a panel of 3-5 judges representing academia and public and private sector entomology.
- Recognition takes the form of certificates and cash awards in each of the three student categories. $200 first, $150 second and $100 third prize.
- Awards will be made following the conclusion of the presentations.
Some General Comments for Speakers
- Slow down - tell us a few things you know well, not everything you know.
- Men - keep your hands out of your pockets.
- Don't memorize what you want to say. You know the subject so tell us what you know.
- Speak to the audience, not the screen. Use the computer screen in front of you as a reference.
- Always repeat the questions that people ask. It will help you understand and give you time to think of what you will say.
- Introduce yourself and say your title clearly.
OVEA is an association of students and professional entomologists that is dedicated to promoting the professional development of students. The primary objective of the Annual Forum is to host a student paper competition in three classifications: B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. Students have the opportunity to present their research and to win a cash award and recognition in a casual, supportive environment. Cash awards are $350 for first, $250 for second and $200 for third place in each of the three student categories. The 2010 Forum will precede the Entomological Society of America (ESA) National meeting by approximately 5 weeks, which will provide students an opportunity to hone their presentations if they plan to present at ESA."
Membership and participation in the OVEA are open to anyone with an interest in Entomology. Professional entomologists include those from universities, government, and industry. Annual membership dues are only $5.00 for students and $20.00 for non-students. A membership form is available on the OVEA web site, or you can pay on site the day of the Annual Forum. Dues support the Annual Forum and provide for the awards. Whether you ar a new or a returning member, we hope you will take a moment now to visit the web site and submit your membership form. Please consider supporting OVEA and attending the Annual Forum with other entomology enthusiasts! Students do not have to present a paper in order to attend the Annual Forum.