Stalk Lodging and Postmortem Insect Damage Diagnosis– (John Obermeyer, Rich Edwards, and Larry Bledsoe)
Insect feeding, i.e., corn borer and rootworm, earlier in the season may have predisposed the plant to various pathogens which has led to stalk rots. As well, insect damage may further stress a plant during the critical ear fill stage causing the plant to rob carbohydrates from the stalk. However, considering the extent and severity of the plant lodging, it is doubtful that insects are the key culprit. Paul Vincelli, University of Kentucky plant pathologist offers his insight in the Kentucky Pest News, “Stalk rot diseases are the result of opportunistic infections. What this means is that certain stress factors, such as low carbohydrate status in the stalk, predispose the plant to infection, and the “first one to attack, wins”; that is, the first fungus to infect the stalk is the one that causes the stalk weakening. What this also means is that the most important thing to do from a production standpoint when stalk rots attack is to evaluate one’s cultural program and see if there are particular agronomic stresses that might be alleviated. Factors that might enhance stalk rot problems include: excessive plant population, excessive N+ in relation to potash, high N+ levels early in the season followed by N+ loss through leaching or denitrification, inadequate levels of potash, low stalk strength ratings of hybrids planted, and severe leaf disease. Producers may wish to evaluate these factors to see if there are ways to reduce the risk of stalk lodging in future years.” We have been receiving corn root samples of these lodged plants and being asked to evaluate them for rootworm damage. Two weeks ago we could give a fair diagnosis on whether rootworm may have contributed to lodging. Now samples being submitted are too far advanced in decay. Bottom line: too late for rootworm analysis, corn borer damage by stalk splitting can still be evaluated. |
Managing Winter Annual Weeds, Are Fall Herbicide Treatments Necessary?– (Mark Loux and Jeff Stachler, The Ohio State University) Populations of winter annual weeds seem to have been at an all time high over the past several years. Weeds such as common chickweed, henbit, purple (or red) deadnettle, and marestail (horseweed) have been difficult to manage in the spring in some fields, and have interfered with tillage, and crop establishment and earlyseason growth. A major complaint about chickweed is that it keeps soil from drying in the spring. Winter annuals can also harbor insects and possibly soybean cyst nematode. Will the fall/winter of 2000 and 2001 provide us with yet another bumper crop of winter annuals? At this point in time, we would have to say yes. We have already observed winter annuals in a number of fields, and relatively wet conditions should promote emergence and growth. Some questions and answers follow to help you sort through management strategies for winter annuals:
We conducted research at three sites in 1999/2000, with a number of fall and spring applied herbicide treatments. Fall treatments were applied in mid November, and spring treatments in mid to late March. One site had a dense chickweed population and the other two had moderate to dense populations of purple deadnettle. Most treatments included 2,4D amine, but it contributed essentially no control of chickweed and poor control of dead nettle (but 2,4D ester is cheap enough that it should probably be included in any treatment of this type). Results varied by weed species, making it somewhat difficult to develop a single management strategy for both weeds. Fall treatments providing at least 90% control of chickweed included Steel, Command, glyphosate (1 pint), and Banvel (1 pint). Note: Command are not currently labeled for fall application. Fall applied Sencor and Sencor+Python combinations were more variable, with control ranging from about 60 to 80% depending upon rate (the 8 oz rate of Sencor provided close to 80% control). Spring treatments providing the most effective control included glyphosate (94%), Gramoxone (80%), and Sencor (74%). Control of deadnettle varied by site and size of the weeds at the time of application. Plants were considerably smaller in the spring at our site near South Charleston (1 inch), compared to our site near Amanda (6 inches). At South Charleston, fall application of Python+Sencor, Canopy (2 or 4 oz), Steel, Command, Sencor (8 oz), or glyphosate provided good to excellent control (although Sencor was somewhat more variable than the other treatments). At Amanda, good to excellent control occurred with fallapplied Canopy (4 oz), Command, or Sencor (8 oz). Fall applied glyphosate and lower rates of Canopy and Sencor were more variable at Amanda, but still provided at least 80% control. For spring treatments at South Charleston, adequate control resulted from Sencor (98%), Canopy (89%), or Python+Sencor (88%). At Amanda, the most effective spring applied control was 79% with Sencor or Canopy. Gramoxone applied in the spring provided some control at both locations (59 to 69%). Glyphosate was much less effective in the spring than in the fall for deadnettle control. We did not include Canopy XL in these studies it apparently has excellent activity on deadnettle and star of Bethlehem but no activity on chickweed. Dupont has data showing good chickweed control with mixtures of Canopy or Canopy XL with low rates of Express in the fall. We also did not test Princep, but a fall treatment of Princep + 2,4D should be fairly effective on a number of species where corn will be planted next spring. Our standard rate of glyphosate in these studies was 1 pint/A, and control of deadnettle may be improved with higher rates (Monsanto recommends at least 1-1/2 pints/A for fall control of winter annuals).
Disease Risks for Soybeans– (Gregory Shaner)
Some economists are suggesting that farmers in Indiana plant more soybeans next year, and less corn. This advice is based on projected commodity prices, supplies, production costs, and government payments to farmers. There are now about as many acres of soybeans in Indiana as of corn. Therefore, if there is a substantial shift to more soybean planting relative to corn, a lot of soybeans will be planted in 2001 on ground that was planted to soybeans this year. Regardless of the economic pros and cons of making this change in cropping practice, there are disease consequences that could be seen next year and for many years to come in fields that are continuously cropped to soybeans. |