Visit to the Royal Palace

Game Objectives:
You are a news reporter assigned by your chief editor to do a story about life inside the Royal Palace. You have just received a rare invitation from the Queen (who is normally very private) to tour the royal palace. You appear at the hive entrance and are met by guard bees where your signed invitation is inspected and background check is performed. When all are found to be in order, you are admitted. You have the opportunity to interview 10 individual bees, each with specific duties or assignments that you must learn. As you acquire important facts and information about the construction, function and maintenance of the hive – you will begin to understand the social system of a honey bee colony and how all members are interdependent. What you learn from interviews will inform your final news story.
Upon entering the hive, you will see the internal workings of a bee hive with what appears to be a mass of confusion and busy bees everywhere. However as you learn about how the colony functions, you will gain an appreciation for the social order of a bee society. When you select individual bees by pointing and clicking, a bee will appear and introduce itself and explain its duties in the colony. You may learn more by pointing and clicking on predetermined questions. At the conclusion of the game, you will be provided a printable PDF outline on which you may add your experience and the accumulated information you have acquired. This can be submitted to your teacher or given as a final report to your class.
Congratulations on your invite. We look forward to your news story.