Plight of the Forager Bee

Game Objectives:
After completing a series of foraging flights with a honey bee you will realize some of the dangers that pollinators face every day and why their populations are in decline. You will learn first-hand how many of these hazards might be alleviated by changing human interactions and recognize ways that you can assist or protect pollinators in real life.
You are invited to accompany a pilot forager bee on a specific mission with a destination outside the hive. To accompany on this flight you are not just a passenger but rather are expected to assist as co-pilot. You will hear control tower and pilot interactions as they occur live. Each mission will be to obtain important resources needed by the bee colony and each has its own specific destination. Hazards await any forager flight and these will be experienced first-hand as you witness them from the co-pilot seat. At the conclusion of each flight you will be asked to complete an incident report, describing the hazard that you encountered and how it prevented or impeded the success of your mission. This report will be offered in PDF format but you will be expected to report on it in real life. This can be done through submitting it to your teacher or describing it to your class or friends.
May the force be with you!