Neuroptera - lacewings, mantispids, owlflies, snakeflies and antlions
1 1/4 in.
1/2 in.
Neuropterans are medium-sized insects that have four many-veined wings. These may appear as a network of nerves running throughout the wing. Neuropteran adults have chewing mouthparts, but may have very long mandibles for capturaing prey. Their antennae also are usually long. Metamorphosis is complete. All neuropterans are predators. The lacewings, also called aphidlions, are found on trees and other plants where they feed on aphids. Mantispids and owlflies feed on spiders or insects. Antlion larvae are the familiar "doodlebugs," that live in the ground and dig pitfalls in which they trap ants and other insects. Their adults resemble damselflies, but have readily visible antennae.
Purdue Extension Entomology, 901 West State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA, (765) 494-4554