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Megaloptera - dobsonflies, fishflies, and alderflies
2 in.

1/2 in.
Megalopterans are medium-large insects with long segmented antennae, four very large, many-veined wings, and chewing mouthparts. Metamorphosis is complete.

Dobsonfly adults are found near streams but are often are attracted to lights. Adults are remarkable due to their size and the size and shape of their mandibles, especially pronounced in the male. The larvae are called hellgrammites. They live under stones in rapidly running streams and are prized by fishermen because they make excellent bait. Fishfly and alderfly larvae also are found in water but only reach approximately half the size of the hellgrammite, which attains a length of 3 inches.

Purdue Extension Entomology, 901 West State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA, (765) 494-4554

Department of Entomology | College of Agriculture | Extension

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