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Purdue Extension 4-H/FFA Career Development Event (CDE) | FFA | Purdue | entomology | CDE | insect | insect orders | flashcards | contest
Dictyoptera - cockroaches, praying mantids, and walkingsticks

3 in.

The Dictyopterans are medium- to large-sized insects usually with two pairs of wings; the front pair leathery and the hind pair membranous, larger, and folded like a fan under the front wings when at rest. They all have chewing mouthparts. Metamorphosis is gradual. This order is composed by three main groups including walking sticks, cockroaches, and praying mantids. Walkingsticks and some cockroaches are wingless. Some cockroaches are found outdoors, but many are common indoor pests. Walkingsticks live outdoors and feed on plants. Praying mantids are considered beneficial because they feed on other potentially harmful pests.
American cockroach
American cockroach
1 3/8 in.
German cockroach
German cockroach
1/2 in.
Oriental cockroach (female)
Oriental cockroach (female)
7/8 in.
Oriental cockroach (male)
Oriental cockroach (male)
7/8 in.
Wood cockroach
Wood cockroach
1 in.
Praying mantid
Praying mantid
3 in.

Purdue Extension Entomology, 901 West State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA, (765) 494-4554

Department of Entomology | College of Agriculture | Extension

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