Months Before Planting
Sugar Beets
Sweet Corn
Accent SP NR 4 8 12 12 0.5 10/18 (h) 10/18h 10 10(j)
Atrazine (a) NR 14 21 21 21 10 21 21 NR NR
Balance Pro NR 4 18 10 18 6 10 18 6 6
Basis NR 4 8 10 18 10 10 1 10 10
Beacon 14 days (i) 3 8 8 18 8 18 18 8 8
Bicep/Cinch ATZ (a) NR 15 15 18 18 10 18 18 NR NR
Boundary 8 4.5 12 4.5 12 NR 18 12 12 12
Buctril/atrazine (a) NR 15 15 21 21 10 21 21 1 1
Bullet (a)
NR 15 18 18 18 10 18 18 NR NR
Callisto NR 4 4 10 18 10 18 18 NR NR
Canopy EX (k) 10 4 4 10 12 1.5 30 10 (b) 10 18
Celebrity Plus NR 4 8 12 12 4 10/18 (h) 10/18 (h) 10 10 (j)
Cassic 9 (n) 3 3 12 (n) 12 (n) NR 30 9b (n) 9 (n) 18
Command/Commit 9 12 (c,d) 16 (c,d) 16 (c,d) 16 (c,d) NR 9 9-12 (f) 9 9
Curtail 1 1 1 10.5 18 10.5 (i) 6 18 10.5 10.5
Define NR 12 12 12 12 BR 4 12 12 12
Degree NR 4 18 18 18 9 18 18 9 9
Degree Xtra NR 14 21 21 21 10 21 21 9 9
Equip 0.5 2 9 18 BA 9 18 BA 0.5 0.5
Exceed (p) 1 3 3 18 18 18/10 (s,t) 18 18/10 (s,t) 3 3
Expert (a) NR 15 15 18 18 10 18 18 NR NR
Extreme 8.5 3 18 4 40 NR 40 40 18 18
Field Master (a) NR 14 21 21 21 10 21 21 NR 9
FirstRate/Amplify 9 3 30+BA 9 30+BA NR 30+BA 30+BA 9 18
Flexstar 10 4 4 18 18 NR 18 18 12 12
FulTime (a) NR 15 15 18 18 10 18 18 9 9
Gangster 9 3 9 12+BA 30+BA NR 30+BA 30+BA 9 18
Guardsman Max (a) NR 15 18 18 18 10 18 18 18 18
Harness NR 4 18 18 18 9 18 18 9 9
Harness Xtra (a) NR 14 21 21 21 10 21 21 9 9
Hornet NR 4 4 10.5 26+BA 10.5 26+BA 26+BA 10.5 18/10.5 (u)
Keystone (a) NR 15 21 21 21 10 21 21 21 21
Laddok (a) NR 9 9 9 9 9 15 15 NR NR
Lariat (a) NR 15 18 18 18 10 18 18 NR NR
Lightning 8.5 4 18 9.5


9 40+BA


18 18
Lumax/Lexar (a) NR 10 10 18 18 10 18 18 NR NR
Marksman (a) NR 10 18 18 18 10 18 18 NR NR
Northstar 14 days (i) 3 8 8 18 8 18 18 8 8
Option 7 days 2 2 2 2 14 days 2 2 2
Osprey 12 7 days 10 10 10 3 10 10 12 12
Peak (q) 1 NR NR 22 22 10 22 22 10 10
Permit/Sandea R 3 8 9 9 10 24 8 3 3
Princep (a) NR 14 21 21 21 10 18 18 10 10
Priority 1 2 2 12 12 9 24 12b 3 3
Prowl/Pendimax NR 4 8 8 8 NR 12 8 8 8
Pursuit 8.5 3 18 4 40 NR 40 40 18 18
Python NR 4 4 4


NR 26+BA 26+BA 9 18
Radius NR 12 12 12 12 6 10 12 6 12
Raptor 8.5 3 9 3 18 NR 18 (o) 9 8.5 8.5
Reflex 10 4 4 18 18 NR 18 18 10 10
Scepter 9.5g 4 11 18 18 NR 40 18 18 18
Sencor 4 4 12 4 12 NR 18 4 4 4
Spirit (p) 1 3 3 18 18 10s 18 10 8 8
Stalwart Xtra (a) NR 14 21 21 21 10 21 21 NR NR
Steadfast NR 4 8 12 12 0.5 10/18 (h) 10/18 (h) 10 10
Steadfast ATZ NR 10 118 18 18 10 18 18 10 10
Stinger NR NR NR 10.5 18 10.5 NR 18 10.5 10.5
Shotgun (a) NR 14 21 21 21 10 21 21 NR NR
Surpass/Topnotch NR 4 18 18 18 9 18 18 9 9
Synchrony (k) PRE 10 4 4 10 12 NR 30 10 (b) 10 18
Synchrony (k) POST 9 (n) 3 3 12 (n) 12 (n) NR 30 9 (b,n) 9 18
Valor 2 2 12+BA 12+BA 12+BA NR 12+BA 12+BA 12+BA 4
Volley NR 4 21 21 21 10 21 21 NR 10
Volley ATZ NR 15 21 21 21 10 21 21 NR NR
WideMatch NR NR NR 10.5 BA 10.5 4 BA 4 4
Yukon 1 2 2 9 9 9 24 8 (b) 3 3
  • (a) Restrictions on rotation following the application of products containing atrazine or Pincep will vary, depending on the product. There are a few general guidelines to follow to reduce the potential for injury to crops planted where these products are used. Plant ony corn or sorghum the year (including fall) of application. Where oats, forage legumes, or forage grasses will be planted the following spring, do not apply more than 0.8 pounds active ingredient. If more than 3 pounds active ingredient is applied, or herbicide is applied after June 10, plant only corn or sorghum the following ear. Do not plant sugar beets, tobacco, or vegetable crops the year following application.
  • (b) Transplant tomatoes only.
  • (c) Do not plant in the fall of year of application or the spring of the following year.
  • (d) Cover crops may be planted prior to 12 months, but stand reduction may occur. Do not graze or harvest these cover crops for feed or food.
  • (e) Moldboard plow to a depth of 12 inches before planting sugar beets in the spring. Recrop interval to sugar beets is extended to 13 months if less than 20 inches of rain falls during the growing season of application
  • (f) 9 months for transplant tomatoes; 12 months for all tomatoes.
  • (g) Corn can be planted 9.5 months after application if at least 15 inches of rainfall is received from 2 weeks prior to last application through November 15 of the same year. If this requirement is not met, plant only a Clearfield corn hybrid the following spring.
  • (h) Rotation interval for Accent is 10 monhts where soil pH is 6.5 or less, and 18 months where soil pH is greater than 6.5.
  • (i) Refer to Syngenta literature for a list of hybrids that have good tolerance to Beacon before planting.
  • (j) Except the sweet corn varieties "merit", "carnival", and "sweet success", for which the minimum rotational interval is 15 months.
  • (k) For rates higher than 1 (Synchrony) or 1.1 (Canopy EX) oz/A, if composite soil pH is greater than 7.0, plant only soybeans the following year.
  • (m) If applied after July 1st, do not plant soybeans the season following application.
  • (n) If applied after August 1, extend recrop interval by 2 months.
  • (o) If soil pH is less than 6.2, allow 26 months to rotation of sugar beets.
  • (p) If soil pH is 7.8 or greater and/or less than 12 inches of rainfall occurs within the first 5 months and/or less than 1.0 inch within the first 4 weeks following application, then only plant corn or small grain cereals the following spring. STS soybeans can be planted the following spring after a drought if Spirit was used.
  • (q) Read leabel for precautions before planting rotational crop.
  • (r) Allow 12 months to rotation of sweet corn if 2-2/3 pt of Command is used.
  • (s) Do not plant soybeans the following season if herbicide is applied after June 30.
  • (t) Soybeans and tomatoes should not be planted until 18 months after application north of Insterstate 70, but can be planted 10 months after application south of Interstate 70. STS soybeans can be planted the following spring in areas norht of Interstate 70.
  • (u) Only certain sweet corn varieties may be grown 10.5 months after application; check herbicide label for those varieties. Otherwise wait 18 months.